
Why are here mostly frontend web developers here? They are't real programmers. They just make text appear in a window.

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    Not sure disrespecting people in this network is the right approach to take. We can argue Apple v Microsoft v Linux, MEAN v LAMP, or even some poor souls think Python can be a viable option for everything. But we shouldn't debate who is and isn't a developer. Being a true developer is recognizing that, in order to engineer anything worth a damn, you need developers that specialize in all aspects of software dev.
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    @h3ll i Did. It's fun.
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    You just put your fellow developers in spectacular shame. Congrats
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    @thmnmlst i Did not Say you cannot be here. I'm saying programmers know computer science.
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    @bleestein Yes. Software development. HTML and CSS is not software.
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    @asgs i just think more about computing than stuff on the screen. That's All. And All these people Call themselves computer engineers.
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    @bleestein bill gates wrote software. Hell, Even musk Did.
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    @sturza Even "Computer Engineers" don't call themselves that
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    @love3code that is a Good definition. Web designers. Web developers are not designers.
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    @sturza Frontend Web dev involves more than styling your pages. E.g. Javascript coding. Those people don't just generate HTML using an IDE and add CSS classes.
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    @thmnmlst i Did not Say Who should or should not be here. But best rants are: the client called me about the color on some website. We don't get that in software development. Clients don't just Call. They plan and groom.
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    There is a difference between designer and frontend dev.
    Also, troll much ?
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    @asgs So with your JavaScript skills can you write something more than Visual stuff on a website? Or That's Where it ends
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    @Arlekin Thanks. Not trolling but looking for Attention.
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    If JavaScript is a programming language then they are programmers.
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    @sturza Well i guess it is as honest a reason as much as any other
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    @sturza Yes, you can spawn threads doing something in background while you show them the shiny little loading icon, you can write rogue scripts to attempt an XSS, make XHR calls to your backend. Hell, you can write Backends too (NodeJS). It all depends on what you think you can do
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    @asgs How many of the web designers here understood What you just Said?
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    @sturza Maybe none? Maybe most? Who cares. You said front webdev is nowhere related to programming. That answer should tell you something
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    @thmnmlst Thanks. Like the rounded corners.
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    @thmnmlst if you mean user interraction, Yes i do know.
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    I'm neither a programmer or a web developer so... Eat shit.
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    It's fun to poke the eyes of a designer every now and then. Hell, I do it daily. But you bet your ass that I need and respect the job they do on my projects. If they want to wear the title developer, so be it. Your "I'm a 'CS'" code monkey nonsense shows a level of salt that should be professionally analyzed. This is not a rant l, so much as a cry for help!
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    @love3code i saw it too. Actual rage
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