
This might actually be my first real rant.

Whatever fucking cockgoblin decided that making dynamics GP so fucking confusing needs to suck a big bag of dicks. I'm so fucking tired of having to google every damned table name and column name because nothing makes any motherfucking sense.

Am I supposed to instinctively know what PM20201 does? What data it holds? I don't mind reading documentation. But it's hard to even know where to start when the shitbird API and database are more complicated than calculating orbital fucking decay.

I am done. Fuck you gp. Fuck you and your nonsense. I guess our sales people don't get to know when an invoice was paid.

  • 1
    @Letmecode GP is great plains. A Microsoft product that handles enterprise accounting.
  • 0
    @grimtar I know how you feel. I used to work with Dynamics CRM between 2008 and 2010 and it was a total !?!??! Glad those days are over.
  • 0
    Have a plus for the "cockgoblin" phrase. Have been chuckling to myself for the past couple of mins :)
  • 4
    Accounting software have been using similar names for ages.

    I belive it is from the old FAT 8.3 time where a filename could only be 8 chars + 3 char extention.

    The used 2 chars for the overall name and numerals that matched ledger codes.

    Tables was usually plain text files with one record per line an either fixed size fields or ; separation.

    In a product I had to work with GL020196, mean general ledger table 2 company 1 (you could have 99) and year 96.

    These file/table names often just transfered over when switching to a real DB. Every one already knew them ;).
  • 0
    +1 for cockgoblin.. Might also consider it as a gaming nickname
  • 1
    Credit to code monkeys for cockgoblin?
  • 2
    @Voxera I'm sure there was/is a logical reason. I had a feeling it has something to do with file name limits.

    But. I don't give a flying fuck. My rage is still righteous.
  • 2
    @schnjess I've been using it for over a decade. I don't have any idea where I first heard it.
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