
Late nights are the most productive #programming_fact

  • 30
    They really are. I love late night coding.
  • 19
    I tend to disagree. I like the early mornings in the office when there's nobody around and it's super quiet.

    But then again, having 2 small children might have something to do with it...
  • 1
    I agree.. I don't know why xD but really productive at night
  • 1
    I often did this when I was younger :p start at 23h end at 4h wake up at 5h hahah those days
  • 0
    What's your laptop model if you don't mind?
  • 0
    @kanduvisla Not having children I non the less agree with you. I am one of the first of my team in the office and love the quiet hours in maker mode before the managers and account people arrive and try to push meetings into my schedule.
  • 2
    Before getting a job
  • 1
    I used to agree but that would really mess up my sleeping schedule which would then mess up my productivity in the long run. Lately early morning hours have made me the most productive I've ever been!
  • 0
    @nateye it's an hp pavilion 15 ab522tx
  • 0
    As im sleeping polyphasically, I code from 2oc to 6,5 oc
  • 0
    True, but the real question is why
  • 1
  • -1
    Your HTML indentation gave me eye cancer..
  • 0
    upvote for dark theme
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