I am new to coding.
Where can I do practice Web Development projects?

  • 7
    I'll tell you something that everyone says, but it so true.

    Think of a thing you'd like.

    Make it.

    The step by step tutorial stuff is still of some value, but there's nothing like thinking a concept through and finding how to do it yourself.

    Also don't worry if it sucks or whatever, the point is that you're coding and learning.
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    @N00bPancakes and where is a good place to write/ practice coding?
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    Personally I would pay for a web host. I use crocweb because they don't jerk me around. They have cheap hosting plans. I think as little as $3 a month. They provide templates for lots of different approaches to web development.
  • 4
    FreeCodeCamp is how I started with web development. You can use CodePen.io to just mess around with HTML and ish
  • 3

    Your pc is the place to code, nowhere else.
  • 3
    mkdir -p ~/dev/personal/practice/helloworld

    cd ~/dev/personal/practice/helloworld

    vim index.html style.css
  • 2
    I see you have posted another, quite similar question on your feed.

    I'm going to be straightforward with you. Asking help on where can you practice web development/how to get started with open source is gonna get you either:

    a) blasted/scolded the fuck out by people who actually have experience in them; or

    b) memed/trolled/downvoted until you can see your feed filled with negetive votes.

    Do yourself a favor. Save a bit of self respect and start with a project without whoring out these vague questions.

    Have an idea. At least try implementing it before you eventually fuck up. At which point you can shoot a query. Everybody would be glad to help and you'd feel much more accomplished.

    I understand if English isn't your first language. This message isn't supposed to kill your enthusiasm in development. Rather it's a personal advice to you from another fellow dev. Take it or leave it it's up to you.
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    @theKarlisK You mean this?
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    Thought I’d simplify things a bit for the newcomer ☺️
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    @3340MERMINA where is a good place to write/practice coding?

    your computer.
    xampp, visual studio, phpstorm, whatever, vut as a coder of web shit(and i do mean shit) you need to be able to setup at least a dev environment anywhere.

    including your machine since you want to be a dev.
  • 1
    @Root not readable due to pixellation even though i suspect otherwise it would be nit readable due to being a pile of shit.
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    @Midnight-shcode 😂 that’s about right
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    I think some up to date youtube tutorials are a good place to start just to get your head around it a little bit, then maybe create some simple projects that will encourage you to delve in deeper and create harder ones. I think a nice starting one would be a simple rock paper scissors project, and bonus points for hosting it!
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    @Razakii thank you. Very helpful that is
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