The level of fucking backflips I have to do to get these morons to learn git and not share code via fucking emails, Jesus Christ, you'd think I asked them to switch religions. Why the fuck does this profession not require a fucking license in this godforsaken country.

  • 10
    Because then 56% of your GDP wouldn't be IT services.
  • 4
    Because good software with bad UI is bad software.
  • 3
    Code via email 😂
    I thought GDrive zips as VCS was the worst I'd ever hear.
  • 0
    Code by email, still better than vss!
  • 10
    I remember one manager telling people to zip the code before committing to SVN. Saves space you know. Smart man, business brain.

    One colleague always checked stuff out of SVN/GIT/etc and copied it into separate folders called v1, v2, v3, v2_tmp, v2_tmp2 etc. He made changes in all of the folders and always just copied the files back to that one single SVN checkout folder to check files in. He told me that's how he's always done it and it's practical.

    Don't even get me started about that one guy that had 35 xterms open at the desktop. He never closed a single one, since he might need it one day!!
  • 2

    >>How the fuck do you get those people

    By living where I live.
  • 1
    Not just india... I tried to get folks in a Development company to use github to edit a parameter list that needed updates from multiple people and was told nope. Easier to send a shared word doc around.

    I had many things to say about this but moved on as well. Freaking crazy.
  • 0
    @hashedram don't blame all Indians.
    There are bad companies and there are good companies xD
  • 0
    @BugsBuggy which part of "this profession requires a license" blames all indians?
  • 0
    @thatDude code_v3.1.7-patch3-final-for-real-this-time.zip
  • 0
    gits in my list of "im not even gonna apply for jobs until I know the basics of it otherwise id be embarassed."

    always seemed essential. turns out I was right.
  • 0
    @AtuM , people like to complain about the version control all the time. But when you change to a new one, the same guys are reminiscing with tears in their eys the good ol' system they used to have just few weeks ago.
  • 2
    I had an intern ask me "hey, I went to our GitHub repo like you told me to, but there's no upload button"
  • 0
    Lol sounds like all the ancient devs I’ve taught over the years.
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