
> Be me
> Using another country's public transit system for the first time
> QR reader can't read my bus ticket
> Ask the bus driver about it

"Sir, can I check myself in here?"
"Very high-tech system, isn't it?"
"Sir, I'm a programmer..."
"Shitty system then? Maybe you could fix it?"
(thinking: you're not paying me for this you bastard, and if you want me to get a manual for this piece of shit to repair what should've worked in the first place, you're sorely mistaken...)
"Probably I'm the kind of person who would... Anyway the ticket is valid."
I didn't bother checking the ticket afterwards.

All I wanted to do was get on your bus mate 😐

  • 6
    Where are you now? 🙃
  • 6
    @NoMad Back home, 10 hour travel 😅
  • 5
    @Condor you ditched the question 😛 which country was this for?
  • 6
    @NoMad Oh, the Netherlands - and now I'm back in Belgium 🙃
  • 5
    @Condor I hope you're covid-free and the trip was fun. 😜
  • 2
    Oh nice I am not the only one moving today, hope you had a nice travel! :D
  • 2
    @Condor QR codes on busses here? Legit that's the first time I'm hearing of their existence lol. What part of the Netherlands was this?
  • 1
    @Tayo southern part of the Netherlands, apparently a bus service called Bravo (https://www.bravo.info). I guess it's the Netherlands' national bus service?
  • 0
    Wait QR codes in buses is not common? In this neck of the woods they’ve been the main method to check your ticket for... hell, nigh a decade now. Well, at least these days they tend to work pretty OK (here at least)
  • 2
    @Condor oh Bravo, we don't have a national bus service. There are a lot of different ones but Bravo is common in the south. In my area we have Arriva and Breng for example.

    They all use a similar check in system though. Normally using an RFID chip embedded in the ticket or card you're using. Maybe they're lagging a bin behind, never used one of their busses :P

    If you come to the Netherlands more often and use public transport a lot, be sure to get an anonymous OV chipkaart. You charge them at train stations or stores, hold em in front of a card reader, and that's it.
  • 0
    I always wondered if there was anybody out there taking the magstrip bus cards and reloading the cards themselves.

    seems trivial.
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