
Could get an iPhone 6s 32GB for 50 bucks with my contract. Is it worth it to start developing iOS Apps?

Little backstory: I'm a computer science student with little to no exprience in developing mobile apps, and I recently started working on a bigger project which includes some php, javascript on a website as well as a mobile app for both platforms. As I currently do not own an iPhone, I suppose this would be rather difficult. Is it worth picking up an iPhone 6s for development? My current phone is a OnePlus Three, so I have no need for a new personal phone.

Also, how "hard" is it to create proper iOS apps?

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    First of all if you want to dev for iOS, you need a Mac... No iOS dev on anything else...
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    @svandeun Forgot to add, I do own a 2013 macbook pro as well as an iPad Air first gen, so this part would not be an issue at the moment.
  • 4
    There is no need for a Mac to develop for iOS. Only macOS.
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    iOS and Android to me are pretty similar in how stuff gets done.Its just terminologies that differ and programming languages (Swift v Java).If you know one pretty well then learning the other will only take around 2 weeks.
    Swift is quite simple to learn (1 week if you have experience with a language like Java or C++).
    My advice is that follow the official documentation from developer.apple.com .I find alot of online courses mediocre and not in depth as such
    Good luck and have fun.Welcome to iOS
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    About the device,its not a necessity while learning.You can use an emulator but you will need to test on a real device before submitting,so I'd advise to just buy it now
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    @bdhobare Thank you very much for your reply, I'm probably going to get one very soon! :)
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