
Today the CEO called a meeting with our team just to get to know us personally and have some friendly chat. These meetings are to become a regular thing. Seems like he really cares about his employees.

  • 6
    Can we swap jobs?
  • 1
    Is it a big company or a smallish one? I'd be impressed and a little worried if your CEO wanted to meet all 500 employees every few months. It's the kind of things that's really great about small companies that just can't be replicated well in a huge structure.
  • 2
    Yeah, kudos for appreciating the CEO's effort! That's a sign of a good company and a good culture.
  • 1
    @Synth-Synapses It's not a very big company. So it's feasible to meet the employees every once in a while. :)
  • 1
    @aadilp that's great. Smaller companies can have a great culture that just can't be done in bigger structures. Congrats on the great place to work :)
  • 1
    I just hope he doesn't waste too much of your time. It's difficult to get back into that rhythm again.
  • 0
    @Nero This meeting was after work hours so the work wasn't really disturbed.
  • 1
    @aadilp Ah. Cool CEO then
  • 1
    @aadilp Hope he did share beers and pizzas with you.
  • 0
    @ajmada I'm from Pakistan. Drinking is kind of a taboo here. But no, there was no pizza either. But I went home and ordered one for myself. :D
  • 2
    @aadilp I see. Anyway, great move from your move. Countless of bosses wouldn't even have cared about their code monkeys. Hope you have great pizzas there.
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