
F***!!! I can never post a rant/comment without making a typo and then realizing it and then editing it. Evry single one is edited.... why??😲

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    I have the same problem. And even after editing, I get a reply or a comment, read again what I wrote and DUH! I forgot to erase or edit something and now it's too late.
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    Y'all got way too used to manipulating text with all that coding. Get it right the first time for once!
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    @RazorSh4rk @Eariel proves the point. 😀
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    Reminds me of my composition class in college. The professor said that as computer people, we're too used to being able to easily undo mistakes. We had to use india ink pens and gouache to draw filled shapes on this stiff poster board and if we made any mistakes we were expected to start over. One girl brought in homework with some ink out of the lines and he tore it in half in front of her.

    The idea was to make us slow down and be careful.
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