Sorry mate 😉 can't get away with saying you use Dreamweaver and not expect some evil banter 😈 I mean it's nearly as bad as saying java is javascript

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    @thmnmlst Why not Pascal/Delphi with it's IDE? :D
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    @thmnmlst php isn't a database language. but ignoring that I've heard good things about go-lang
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    @thmnmlst yeah, why you complaining if you wouldn't have said anything that would have gotten everybody away from picking on you about being stuck in the year 2000 with Dreamweaver
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    @jckimble dude he's a kid if 16 😂 he's learning it's cool 😊
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    @thmnmlst mate honestly I used Dreamweaver in school I mean we were forced... So you ain't alone 😂 😎
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    @FitzSuperUser yeah I know I'm just giving him hell for the fun of it. if he can get work done with Dreamweaver good for him but they are better tools for the job
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    @thmnmlst I know 16 it's wobbly age of adult teen 😂 I'm only 20 so... Not that different but a tonne of shit happens between 16 and 20 🤔
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    @thmnmlst This two days you have probably been the most bullied dev I've ever met.
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    @jpichardo oh it's high jinx come on he know we playing 😊

    Really bullying happened to me I got thrown on a ping pong table beaten the shit out of by 20 kids... Teachers called that high jinx 🙄

    Got real for a moment 😳

    He knows we mean well or at least I do I only want to help I helped him on his site before this
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    @Letmecode I ain't 😕 I'm just letting himn feel the burn he knows I'm here to help just like you guys
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    Chill out @Letmecode, we are just playing, but he deserves worse by saying that PHP == HTML, and using Dreamweaver @FitzSuperUser 😅😅😅😅😅 I've learned a lot from people that make fun of me.
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    @thmnmlst sorry 'bullied' is not a strong word in my region, sometimes used to mean making harmful fun of someone ( what I meant), and the (==) is like in js it means similar not equal (===), and don't worry we all are learning. thnks @Letmecode
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    @jpichardo @thmnmlst @Letmecode

    Agreed we all good 😉 harmless fun 🤔

    All friends here *high five*
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    @thmnmlst thnks for the boost
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