Am I the only one that found this funny?

  • 6
    I was about to post a rant starting with "Am I the only one...." but I have to change my wordings now.
  • 1
    It is annoying, yes, but shit, looked at my rant history and found I did write it once. *facepalm*
  • 0
    😂 It doesn't actually bother me, when I saw that rant I couldn't help but post this one. I'm sad I know lol.
  • 3
    Am i the only one with the username @RazorSh4rk on the http://www.devrant.io website?
  • 0
    @RazorSh4rk shit, King Snowflake !
  • 1
    @willol i win the internet
  • 1
    Am I the only one who read the post in the image and thought "U mad, bro?"
  • 0
    You are not a special snowflake, there are millions just like you, live with it.
  • 0
    That moment when you realize upvoted posts start with the same few words and end with an ellipses...
  • 1
    Dozens! We are dozens!
  • 4
    Am I the only one that felt compelled to down vote, and started thinking about recursion and paradoxes?
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