I'm an hobby web designer. Every time I create a website for someone they want me to draw a draft. Needless to say, I'm very very untalented at drawing.

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    Creating wireframes are an essential skill for all interface designers. You are expected by your clients to be able to do mockups, illustrations and wireframes. If you couldn't do that, you should practice more, or frankly find something else.

    Or, just use UI components from Facebook Design and put them together in Sketch and Origami Studio. I'm personally a fullstack dev (frontend + backend) that cannot do illustrations at all, so this is pretty helpful when I need to handle everything from creating mockups to developing authorization microservices and deploying a high availability system.

    If you are more into code than design, you should consider becoming a frontend developer, or a full stack developer, which you wouldn't have to deal with designing at all. Keep in mind that this is 2017, and frontend is as complex, or even more complex than backend. There's a lot of new technologies coming up. You're definitely not going anywhere just knowing HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript.
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    I know several programming languages (even if I never used them I know how they work and what they are used for).

    For drafts I usually use a bootstrap drag and drop editor. Easy and fast. I know some devs don't like bootstrap but it is my favourite Framework to achieve easy and functional results.

    I'm still in school and going to university in September. But I'm not sure whether I want to become a programmer or something else. Maybe an system administrator or an IT security expert :)
    So I don't have much time to acquire more skills because of my finals.
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    @AndiLeni Oh, nice! Just keep on doing things you like and I'm sure you'll find the perfect fit for you. There's still a plenty of time for you to catch up, and you're on the right track. Try to explore different kind of work, technology stack and career paths, because there is always a lot to learn and do. Cheers! 😉

    Bottom Line: You might be a bit surprised if you know what is my actual age. ☺
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    @phoomparin if you ask that way you're probably young too :)
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    I am so in love with Balsamiq for UI layout/sketches instead of hand-drawn. Play around with their web UI, see if you like it! Good tools help. ☺️
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    @starless Thanks. I will try it. But it's a little to expensive for a student. Isn't there something open source? I'll just post a new rant for this :)
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    @AndiLeni the demo version is usable and free.
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    @starless Yep. Figured it out right now :)
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