Im working 6days, than I'm free 4 days. So 2-3 days from those 4, I would like to do some internship, traineeship or call whatever you want, at isp, data center or enterprise, to kick some real life network engineer experience. Basically I have 0 real life experience even I'm preparing to ccnp. Guys, I can't even find unpaid internship... When they hear that I have finished bachelor like 6 years ago, they just don't want to hear from me. I am deeply disappointed. Sometimes I feel that I won't have an it support job even with ccie... I mean I already feel more skilled than the complete IT crowd at the company where I'm working but no one cares. If you have some advice like where to go, please share with me...

  • 1
    My suggestion would be writing email or looking at some software foundation or non profit.

    They are nice people but there is 99.99% chance they won’t pay you.

    But I don’t know, aren’t there any forums for networking guys ?
    I was in such position ages ago and I looked at forums or portals that are networking same people like me.
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