Yay I'm hiring two new devs 😎 hope they are good

  • 1
    @h3ll what do you mean 🤔
  • 0
    @h3ll well they are apprentices don't know till they start really
  • 4
    Keep expectations lowwwwwwww.
  • 2
    I have a strong feeling you'll spend a lot of time babysitting them and get less work done overall.
  • 1
    My experience of apprentices is very good (provided you picked ones that interviewed well and showed passion). I find they are driven, keen to learn and impress, and are cheap labour! :P
  • 0
    @calmyourtities @jamesh @code all I need is passion about good work n programming and we are set 😉 I get excited about building awesome things so ... It could be really good I mean I'll give them a set. Project and run it through it with them and be hands on if needed
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