
>> Herborist fails
>> Fixes QT errors
>> Still fails. Relink issues of libudev ; for weird reasons, it's asking to be linked to librt ??? And it's for a clock-gettime.
>> stack overflow: all about cuda and opencv, which can't be my issue.
>> Some asshat on GitHub comment section: mind your language when you're talking to maintainers.

>> Me: You mothertucking trucker! 😐😐😐


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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 dw. I was not the one this was directed to. I did not ask the question, was just fishing for a solution to my problem.
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    If u could give more information I might help.

    udev should link correctly against librt for clock_gettime, but many projects fail(ed) hard at compiling correctly... Wrong link order, missing dependencies, ridiculously wrong assumptions in the buildsystem, tons of possibilities
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    @IntrusionCM I looked and a plain libudev is symlinked to a libudev with a version in the same folder. Didn't relink because well, I'm not sure if it would break anything.
    Otoh, Herborist is a gui for pypot using pyqt but pypot works on its own, so I guess there is pyqt issue? But there are other software on the same machine using qt and pyqt that don't have the same issue.
    So I'm just utterly confused.
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    @NoMad Welcome to building software :)

    Which OS? Have a link?

    I'm on vacation and have spare time.
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    @IntrusionCM "vacation" lol. Have you cut coffee yet?

    OS: Ubuntu
    Link of what? The error message? My error is the exact second error this guy is getting:

    And here's herborist:
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    @IntrusionCM btw, I don't have access to that machine nor the robots anymore because of current lockdown. So even if you find a solution, I won't be able to test it.
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    @NoMad Cutting coffee...

    You really wanna watch the world burn, do ya Oo
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    @theKarlisK sure. And that's totally is not a fire hazard 😛
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