
“I thought since you majored in CS you could totally do that.”

Destroying my self esteem since freshman year.

  • 1
    Obvious advice incoming, but don't listen to it. We are all good at different things, and in such a broad subject like IT you are never meant to know it all. Specialise yourself and become proud of what you can do, not what other people think you should be able to do.
  • 2
    This is really fun when someone asked you to fix a printer and you are a developer. 😑

    Even better is after you tell them you can't. They just have a blank stare and ask "why not?".

    Now I'm sure most of us can figure out how to do this but I'm just saying. 😄
  • 2
    Dont ever let anyone rape your self esteem... Go head and crack a personal project you are so proud of that you wont doubt about your identity as a badass engineer...
  • 1
    Just need to brush up on your Google-foo. I have yet to come across a problem I can't solve (given enough time).
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