random question: I have a younger friend who is interested in becoming a programmer, but is dyslexic.... does anyone know of any resources/advice I can give him?

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    Unfortunately I don't have any advice but my manager is dyslexic so don't let anything stop him
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    I'm dyslexic myself, but I always seem to be making my spelling mistakes the same.

    So my variables have names that are incorrect like the classname for an questionnaire might be questinaire.

    That's annoying, but it won't break your application. And functions from the language itself won't work if you missspell them. So thats annoying sometimes but an easy one to fix.

    But you got different kind of forms of dyslexia. So I think he should just try it and see for himself if it is something he can do and likes.
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    Code Completion and features in IDE's like "go to Declaration/Implementation".
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    @ReturnVoid I'm dyslexic myself - biggest issue is writing funky spellings for vraibles names (see what I did there!) - which can get annoying and a hell of a lot of syntax errors!
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    @avstuff Exactly. I misspell all the time. Not to mention forgetting things too. As I see, programming isn't about spelling or syntax. It's problem solving. So, unless various parts of your brain are not functioning properly, you can be a programmer. And, and darn good one.
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    Start with a good IDE. intellisense and compile time errors will probably help out a lot.

    My previous manager couldn't spell worth a damn (which is not the same as being dyslexic, of course), so we had variable names like "schedual" all over the place. if dyslexia affects the variable names, no real harm done!
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