So I think I know the theoretical stuff about js but I have trouble implementing them on my projects.
Like I'm clueless and don't know what to write. (these are my very first projects)
Is it normal?
Can you guys give me some advice?

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    It’s pretty normal for a newbie to not know what to do. Hands-on experience is very different from theory.

    Keep at it. You’ll get there 😊
    Then you’ll have both!
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    @Root Thank you so much!
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    everything takes time. you keep working and you will be successful soon.
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    It will take some time and then more. Hang in there and don’t worry
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    That's very reassuring, thanks!
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    @gomsim Good place to start.
    I say this as a former game dev 😛
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    Will do, Thank you!
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    Great advice! Definitly gonna do that
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    I mostly have the same issue, with any language really.
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    Mum started studying and really likes her e-reader but it handles pdf's poorly. I was learning how to use node so I wrote her a quick one page app that would alow her to upload and covert her pdf's to epub's. My folks are always asking me for shit like this and I use the requests to learn things :)
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