The manager get me a new framework for a project in iOS.

But there is one problem, he unzip the framework in Windows OS, unfortunately in Windows unzip file differently from OS X. the result is a framework very strange, and it doesn't work!

You understand the battle between me and him.

  • 0
    What framework is it? Is cocoapods not an option?
  • 1
    A private framework that comes from an outside company :)
  • 0
    Ah, makes sense. I'm sure you've already tried this but no luck with alternative archiving apps? It could just be that they compressed it wrong
  • 0
    No, it was zip well. The problem is that he has unzip in a wrong operating system.

    When you zip a file on an operating system, hardly you find yourself content intact if you open it with another operating system. This is because it used different algorithms to unzip.
  • 0
    I don't think that's right dude. Zipping algorithms are pretty standard
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