
Project idea: make a fucking neural network visualizer, that gets my fucking model and gives me a proper fancy fucking visualisation in jpeg. 😐

I'm angry cuz I have to make that shit manually rn, and shit ain't playing nice.

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    What would you want it to visualise? The links, weights etc. of a trained model?

    I've had similar ideas before, but actually visualising the specific training process as an animation. Never got around to it though.
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    do a search in the Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning Facebook group. It has a half a million members and you'll find new stuff daily. So i'm confident that you'll find a tool for visualizing your neural net. I wish you best of luck πŸ™‚

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    @heyheni there are tools, but the fancy shit that you could make on the go (without downloading or signing up) and save in simple formats are very limited. I've looked for them, best I found was NN SVG (by alex lenail on his personal website) but that has limitations when you wanna show a loopy network (lstm, recurrent, etc) and a few other small issues. most of such tools don't give you boilerplate models to just adjust, which is what most would need. Tho, there are some stuff in tensorflow, it takes way more time to setup stuff to get tensorboard play nice (it needs a log directory and some other stuff that are just a hassle)

    So, if you decided to design something, a few svg and boilerplates specifically is all needed and ability to adjust. Don't even need model import and thank you very much we love you. ☺️😊
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    @AlmondSauce none. Just a fancy overall diagram. Something that a picky reviewer would understand in less than a second.
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    @AlmondSauce btw, that animation thing I think I saw someone do that through tensorboard. Not sure of the details tho it was ages ago (probs 2 years ago)
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    There's a project that already does this that pops up in my reccs on GitHub all the time. I forget what it's called though. I think it has tron in the name but I could be wrong.
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