Question: I completed a feature on separate branch. Since I'm not allowed to merge things on the master branch (only pm is allowed to) I open a pull request.

However, PM has decided that he will only accept PRs which can be automatically rebased & merged.

So now i opened my PR and PM says that GitHub complains that the branches cannot be automatically merged.

So I rebase the branch - push and tell him to try again. But the same issue - GitHub won't merge the PR. So I try again - rebase the feature branch onto master which runs me through the same rebase steps as on the last try. I successfully complete this one too and push. But still - GitHub won't swallow the PR.

Anybody an idea what could've went wrong here?

  • 1
    What​ tool does your PM use to accept the pull request? If it's a GUI, online or otherwise, there is usually a way to see the conflicts their tool is finding. It could be something as simple as different carriage returns or stuff like that.
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    @Eariel no tool - he just does it via GitHubs web interface. That's the exact problem: it just says something like "automatic merge not possible - conflicts" and that's it
  • 1
    @theZorgEffect, if you check the "Files Changed" section of the pull request, can you see anything that you can't see locally when you make the local rebase?
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    @Eariel well I have like 400 changed files :D so it's not that easy to check - but why is that important?
  • 1
    @theZorgEffect, nah, that's too much. I had once an issue with a pull request with conflicts (not GitHub, some Attlasian product) and it was that the dev's git was somewhat set up to converting all the new lines to another format. On SourceTree or when resolving conflicts on his mergetool he didn't see any difference. But at the web tool, every file was a Christmas display.
  • 2
    @Eariel Whitespace! That's one good hint. I'll have a look into it
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