
What is it with this sudden surge in shitty memes? Is it normal around this time?

Might just filter out the random category completely if this holds on. Ironic.

  • 1
    Correction, the meme category.
  • 3
    Are memes ever not shitty?
  • 0
  • 0
    Do this. I honestly have no idea why everyone does not.
  • 0
    If you really didn't even need to click it to know what it is, you surely also know, that it is a real classic and definitely not shitty at all.
  • 0
    It got part of the pop culture here. It even occasionally is in the news because of the activist flash mobs (yes, they still do them)...
  • 0
    Usually people trying to get cheap ++ to get free stickers that no longer exist.
  • 0
    @rooter Company? Did I miss something?
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