Me:, I built you this beautiful site it's super modular, it's really straight forward
Client: urm we aren't tech people if you could..... Set up all the pages for us using the modules so we can just input the data
Me: 😡 yes I could do that or you could take 5, minutes to learn this system. It's simple 😡 see that title there "left image right title module" . I've done the sample for the templates. So if you need to you can duplicate it! There's even a duplicate button!
Client: can you do it I don't want to waste time learning it right now since we are on a tight deadline

Me in head: fuck off you supreme bitch you try to get my mates dad fired! Now I've done you this huge favour getting you out of the shit 😡 and you won't take 5 minutes to just look at the admin section your old site was wix ffs.
My next move(not yet done): here is a word document it outlines what you need to do 😐

If after this see asks again I'm asking to work with someone else or quitting the project

  • 5
    Just make the site for the costumer, for the next time: put it in the contract that you'll just make the framework and charge them more for building the complete site.
  • 2
    @papierbouwer it's a favour... The uni I have my office in fucked up 🙄, the women got I'll didn't know shit about websites so I saved them. The client has been difficult throughout

    So I'm not charging them anything .... I basically said look I'm saving you the site functionally is awesome 🙄 they are now looking and using it finally
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