
Hello guys any can tell me about good trust site for earn money . Beacuse i lost my job due this Covide19

  • 0
    this is devrant not google use those fingers to do some research on your own
  • 9
    Onlyfans 😉
  • 1
    youWonIphone12.ru maybe? sounds trustworthy
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    @Root damn. That's another reason to be female.
  • 2
    Damn. Devrant becoming as toxic as stack overflow. There's even a "tHiS iS a DuPlIcAtE pOsT, dId YoU eVeN sEaRcH." comment
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    @codecrow Dev rant isn't for questions like this. A lot of the time StackOverFlow is toxic but if they had a question that said "how do I get a job" it would be taken done rightfully so
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    @luxe011 he posted a question. Not a rant.
  • 1
    @codecrow the question tag is used to get opinions from developers. This platform is not designed to be a knowledge hub.
  • 2
    so let's flame the poor soul instead of guiding him to something like upwork.com. It takes a fraction of the time to help him, than it does to roast him.

    Next time one of you loses your job and reaches for a helping hand, I hope someone takes a dump on your wrist while you're wearing a long sleeved shirt.
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    @rooter I mean there is no hard rule, feel free to give out advice. A lot of questions are fairly vague and ofter a great source to explore the latest trends, but the main point I guess that the questions shouldn't be at the level you can easily Google. How do you xyz in ABC in order to zyd?
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