Working on a project for myself and to put in my portfolio. Talking about it with a (non coding) co-worker and discussing where I am in the project as I've been really excited about my progress since I'm working from scratches with no frameworks for the back-end(the only side I've worked on so far). I was talking about the registration page and getting ideas as to what I should let users put on their profiles and she chimes in, "This would actually be better as a mobile app. That would be much easier to use." Well yeah, probably, but I'm a web developer, not a mobile app developer. Plus making it a web app means users will be able to utilize it through any medium rather than just their mobile phone. I can (probably) make it responsive enough that users don't mind it being a web page rather than an app.

I'm still learning, I know PHP, Python and a little JavaScript, not really enough to build a mobile app. Yeah I'd love to make this an app, but then I gotta support multiple products across several hundred different devices in multiple languages and I'm just not ready for that. Let's get the back end finished and we can go from there.

  • 3
    The most flexible way to do web apps is to have your back-end as purely an API, which means your front end can be whatever technology it likes - same API can be called from a traditional website or a mobile app.

    Also, managing many front end implementations is not the burden it once was. There are ways to generate different platforms from the same code base. Consider it learning...
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