
I'm absolutely fed up with all documentation being tutorial-based these days! Well written documentation doesn't start with you creating a new project from scratch.

This is basically how all of Microsoft's documentation starts: Step 1 - Open Visual Studio. Step 2 - Create a new project...

I just checked out their WPF samples repository, and about 8 of the projects won't even compile. Absolutely ridiculous. There's 205 projects in the repository, and of course the one I need is on the list of those that won't compile.

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    Also every blog you find googling something like "how to use SDK X to achieve Y?"

    Huge article with lots of screenshots and code samples...

    Step 1: boot your operating system
    Step 2: launch your IDE
    Step 3: create a new project
    Step 4 to 9: (creating your project step by step)
    Step 10: create this class in a new file
    Step 11: create this other class in another file (not really needed)

    Somewhere in the last Step 50, there is one line of code that is all I need to answer my question.
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