
Worst hackaton? The one when i realized too late i was stuck with a bunch of kids bragging about being "devs" because they knew how to download an html template for wordpress 😭

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    Haha, that must've been great, lol!
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    What did you do? Keep a poker face on or run?
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    It was probably all they could do; how would you react if you went to a convention, and you knew nothing of what people were saying?
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    Haha that's disappointing.. What did you do?
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    @SpencerBeige you're right, that was all they could do. My rant was referred to their attitude.
    When i go to a convention i know nothing about what people say, i don't pretend i'm the master guru there, I listen and try to learn something new ☺
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    @SpencerBeige @OptimusV7 yes, I wore my best poker face and continued with that team.
    Fun fact (or insult added to injury) at the end we won a prize from one of the sponsors: a Blackberry PlayBook 😐 ... 1 for all. A guy told us his father was a teacher in a school for handicapped children and he could have used that. We alla agreed to give it to him.
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    @ste09 Yeah, sadly, kids are infamously known for being script kiddies and pretending they're hackers
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    And thatz unfortunate... Im 13, but I would never EVER do that... Not even jimdo or wix... Sadly, this rubs off to me :(
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