
What the fuck is even this?!

The empty fucking box in the middle!

I am not even angry now. Just frustrated. I have encountered so many visual bugs in iOS now. This is my first iPhone. Tim Apple doesn’t want retain me.

iOS: A beautiful looking OS that shits at times.

  • 2
    Heard of these kind of bugs so many times, but never encountered one myself.

    Bad luck 🎉
  • 1
    Few guys at one of my clients had similar behavior with Visual Voicemail.

    Updating to iOS 14.3 fixed it for them.
  • 2
    @HiFiWiFiSciFi Sure, but why should something like this require an OS update instead of updating just that app?

    Kudos to Google for decoupling their system apps from the ROM - was it 5-6 years ago by now?
  • 1
    @kamen IDK, there is merit to keeping an app like Messenger under their control as part of the OS.

    In this way they can more safely give access to other core apps like Photos without having to expose your whole photo library or contact list to a third party vendor.

    The downside is this. On iPhone apps like Messenger require iOS updates for patches, and apps like Mail require updates for patches on macOS...

    Still, I'd frankly rather give access to those apps just to Apple who has a much better track record protecting that data than virtually anybody else.
  • 1
    the bar Mason! what does it mean???
  • 1
    I mean... I shit at times. What's wrong with that :v
  • 1
    That rectangle is actually a mouth. It wants to speak.
  • 1
    What is this? Omg
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