
This feeling when you realize that better option is go to work than interrupting your sleep for the sixteenth time because your child is not sleeping at 2 am.

  • 1
    Been there.
  • 1
    I know that feel.

    Like you could go back to sleep and then force yourself up and feel like shit the whole day.

    Or right now you don't feel 'that bad' and maybe could get some work in ... and feel like shit the whole day.

    Like at least staying up would get SOME 'not feeling like shit' time in ...

    I used to get the baby, feed, change, feed more and watch cooking shows at 3am because ... you know what I need a minute and I know I'm going to be tired anyway...
  • 2
    Oh man... In a month I will have my first son and I am already figuring out this scenario... Hiw hard is it? Maybe you can compensate with some naps along the day...
  • 4
    @raulqf yeah you nap when the baby naps too.
  • 1
    [laughs in homosexual]

    what are these "children" you speak of?
  • 0
    I don't know if there is actually any healthy nutrition to let babies sleep better at night, but I know you could try something
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