
So this is just something I'm curious of, but when following guides/tutorials how do you challenge the information you're learning? like how do you retain the information.

I typically take notes and make something different with the information but Ive just always wondered how others go about it.

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    Predict the next steps in the tutorial/class video and try doing them before the 1.5-2x speed video gets there.

    It’s a challenge but forces me to really focus and learn the material.

    After finishing the class? Add features, and while building them, try to find better approaches and best practices to what the class taught me, and use them to improve the project.
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    I don’t take notes. Like ever. This forces me to be focused. But this also means that if there is a few days gap in the learning, I need to refresh the concepts before continuing.

    I didn’t answer your question, did I? Well, yeah, sorry, my method sucks. For me, it’s all about doing it daily so that I don’t forget.
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    Only follow tutorials relevant to the project you're working on.

    Learning information you don't need tends to make it not stick as much.

    Start on a huge project, one you may not even finish, and learn the things you need to work on it as you go.

    Also, learning processes and concepts tends to stick more than individual factoids. Don't try to memorize the list of method names in a class. Instead, learn how to efficiently reference them whenever needed. Poor example but you get what I mean.
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    That probably explains why i can’t retain mql syntax as well..but then again query languages are SO BORING! I have to replay mql tutorials over again and struggle to keep my boredom capacity from exploding into a fiery plume
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    Depends on the video, for stuff around psychology, project management, business and such, I always take notes (unless I've already done with similar content).

    For hands-on stuff, I usually either:
    - go through the whole video while replicating the things to my _own liking_.
    - start doing what the video will supposedly go through until I'm blocked or unsure what to do then I follow the video (and eventually adjust what I did).
    - start the video by following it and once I feel I get it, or the video is boring or too necessary, I'll stop and do things my way and challenge myself in doing what I was hoping to achieve.

    In most of the cases, I create a repo where I put what I ended up with (even if it's elementary or not fully complete) and sometimes improve the code again (especially for projects where I did something that will be useful or needed later on).
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    My steps for learning any language / framework

    1. spend 10 minutes in https://learnxinyminutes.com

    2. start a project

    3. StackOverflow whenever I have a problem

    3.5. Ocasionally peeking into architecture of the language, but only during my free time

    4. Continue projects, wait until experience kicks in

    I learned C by desigining a basic calculator in GTK

    I learned Java by creating a videogame in Swing

    I learned Python by creating a pronounciation dictonary for Cantonese

    I learned Django by pretending to contribute on an open-source project

    I learned PHP by replicating the website I had created with Django

    I learned JavaScript by creating a Vue website (er... maybe this wasn't the best approach for JS tho) and Node.js by using Peer.js and Socket.IO for a videochatting website
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    My way is to just watch the thing. If it is related to something I'm doing, do it in that context. If it's just generally something I think I might find useful later, I don't bother that much, bookmark it, and revise it later when I need it
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    @Root what if the material is something you’ve never worked with before? Would you still attempt to predict what they’re going to do or would you do something else?
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    @Cyanide fair enough, I mostly take notes so I can reference them later if I need to
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    @Berkmann18 I probably need to try this and challenge myself more often honestly I never really try things until the end I’m sure tinkering around during the process helps understand what’s happening at those steps better
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    @eo2875 I try to do this as well, It’s a great method!
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    @Bubbles Yes, precisely because it helps me learn the new material. I did this while learning React, for example. I mispredict occasionally, but that helps too because I can compare the two approaches and see why one of them is better.
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    @Bubbles Yeah, I also find re-inventing certain things help in understanding how they work, why they work a certain way and how that knowledge can help me use them better and have more solutions for certain problems.

    It can be daunting to get out of the comfort zone but I find that mostly rewarding.
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    @Berkmann18 I don’t mind reinventing things if it means I get to learn how they work I find it entertaining
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    @Root yeah I see your point, I will try this and see how it goes
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