
In the US, when a technician or something says "yeah anywhere from 8am to 7pm" they will show up around 6pm.

In Germany, however, if they say "8am to 7pm" they're at your door at 7am, knocking loudly and unapologetically.

Yes, please, checking my heaters is so urgent, please do it right now. There's not a moment to lose. Don't worry, it's not like we were still asleep.


  • 10
    Man just wants to finish his job at the earliest. Get your sleepy ass out of the bed!
  • 5
    @Cyanide My parrot wasn't even awake, and he's usually the first one up.
  • 7
    @junon Is “parrot” the name of your ...😉?
  • 10
    Good. I'd like that. I hate sitting around at home waiting for someone to arrive at some random time. That part fucking sucks.
  • 1
    Not in my experience, got yelled at by the plumber arriving at 6:30am when I was still asleep lol.
  • 8
  • 4
    That's much better than waiting all day and having to stay at the house/flat/place until the person comes.
    But yeah, it sucks when you're in the bathroom and they ring, and no one else can answer.
  • 6
    I've never had craftsmen showing up earlier than agreed in the morning. Last year when bathroom rework was scheduled to start at 0730, that was exactly when the guy rang. I was just preparing his coffee.
  • 9
    Only because that technician isn't from a telecom company. Because then the guy just won't come and when you call the next day nobody knows what you're talking about.
  • 3
    @deadlyRants Now that's some witchery - I mean, getting a telecom company to that point would require having had some success at their "service" hotline, no?
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop The situation when telecoms send one usually is when either their own tooling reports an error (rare) or you can convince them successfully that their tooling cannot show a connected router if you unplugged the cable...
  • 1
    @junon Hello there, sir!
  • 0
    Are you... complaining?
  • 0
    @3rdWorldPoison I think it's called "ranting".
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