
One of the things I like about Web Development is its WYSIWYG-ness.

Another thing that I love-hate about it is how 80% (more or less) of the time you don’t see anything happening on screen and then suddenly it all comes together. (This goes mainly for Frontend stuff.)

Aah! The joys and sorrows of Web Development.

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    I am bigoted against people who use WYSIWIGs.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi What do you mean?

    Web dev = WYSIWYG
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    @Cyanide Don't tell that to my 20 year resume.
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    When you say WYSIWYG are you really referring to a graphical tool where you drag and drop elements like in many CMS or are you referring to the ease of seeing the result?

    Because its only the first that is WYSIWYG.
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    Wix is not web development thanks
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    Either you don't know what WYSIWYG means or you don't know web development.
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    @Voxera @jak645 @theabbie

    WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get

    Isn’t that the fucking frontend dev?

    I am using the term WYSIWYG as a concept not a tool, ffs.
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    @Cyanide It should be What You Type is What You Get, which is true for every programming language, WYSIWYG is used in drag and drop editors, I get what you're trying to say, but WYSIWYG is not the correct term.
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    @theabbie But WYTIWYG is not a popular term, if a used term at all.
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    @Cyanide the concept was born in word processors and indicate that you write directly with the fonts and or colors as they will bee and not using markup.

    So if you see the html while writing its not wysiwyg.

    In a wysiwyg editor you do not see any markup language or similar.

    There where a time when Microsoft tried it in visual studio but they removed it since no serious developer used it as it proved to be useless for most parts. You just need more control.

    And modern frontend with react/vue/angular and similar is very far from the wysiwyg concept :)
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    @Voxera I get your point. That’s why I specifically used the term “WYSIWYG-ness”.

    I was just addressing web dev’s cross-platform-ness and how with proper css, it kindof is “What You See (Here) Is What You (Will) Get (There^)”.

    ^: Other paltforms/browsers/screens
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