
My grade in basic programming course went from B to C, determined by a fu****g semi colon! One damn semicolon!!!

Bare in mind that my digital exam was in NOTEPAD with no IDE, no syntax highligting, nothing but black on white!

Is there really any compilator, or realistic job environment, where this could be so devestating?!?!

  • 3
    Don't worry. Stay the course and you will become a pro.
  • 4
    You should try use vim
  • 15
    Digital exam, and that's what you complain about? Pffffft, my programming exams were all hand written...
  • 2
    @Zaphod65 i feel you bro
  • 3
    @Zaphod65 my mind became the compiler
  • 2
    @ironecally I have heard of it and I might try it sometime. Im just afraid I wont be able to exit :P
  • 0
    @Jumpshot44 Yeah im not giving up^^ I'm alreaddy signed up to retake the exam :/
  • 0
    @Zaphod65 That sounds HORRIBLE! Jesus. Well im glad i have a keyboard. But still they should really not care about such simple matters as long as the code itself would work.

    That is in my oppinion^^
  • 3
    Programming (or at least the aspect they use to grade you) in school are bs anyway mostly useless in a job environment so don't worry
  • 1
    @bizzarist Really man?! I wouldn't accept bad grading because of using 4 instead of 2 spaces this has nothing to do with your coding capabilities
  • 1
    Way back in the day I took a C programming class where I'd been getting full marks on everything up until the final project.

    Final project had a directory path hard coded so the binary ended up seg faulting. Wanker of a professor gleefully gave me a 0 and my grade dropped to B even though it was a 5 minute fix at best.

    Lessons learned:
    Do not hard code anything
    Code reviews are your best mates
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