

I used to be someone who disliked microsoft and windows, but with the new CEO Satya Nadella things are going in the right direction. Really love the stuff microsoft is doing right now! bash for windows, 24 bit color console, visual studio code and the monaco editor, dotnet core ... lately I have switched to windows 10 from OSX and I couldn't be happier :)

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    My past sentiments were the same. Current apple situation pushed me back into Linux.
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    Yeah people love to hate on Microsoft but they are doing pretty damn good these days. I'm starting so see them as, dare I say it? Cool.

    I'm a MacBook Pro user myself but when it dies (looong time) I will consider buying a Microsoft product. Never even considered it.
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    I also used linux for some time and don't get me wrong I loooove linux <3 but I have to work in a corporate environment where I ran into problems with linux and also with OSX ... and now with bash for windows and 24 bit color support I feel like having the best of both worlds :)
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    Everything except for their updating thing is great. Their updates have pushed me back to Linux for reliability.
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    Most apps I need now are on the web. Only desktop apps are a terminal, atom, chrome, intellij.

    I have stripped my desktop to the bare minimum now and xfce is super fast and minimal.

    Mind you at work I still have to have a mac: that's what's standard.
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    absolutely agree with you, microsoft is getting cool :)

    and I'm also a macbook pro user, just installed windows 10 with bootcamp and it runs totally fine! but I have to say that currently I use my macbook only with two external monitors, on the retina screen I have some complaints ...
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    yeah I know windows updates can really suck but I can live with that as long as it is not on a server.
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    @mak420 I have tasks that can take a day to run and need to be uninterrupted. I've been unable to do any of this work on Windows since the change. It's more than just a nuisance for me. :/
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    mhmmm I see, maybe in this situation linux is more suitable but have you tried setting the updates to manually? (I assume this should be possible)
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    @mak420 it's not possible.
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    that sucks -.-
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    With the latest Windows 10 build, updates are being downloaded automatically but it will only install when you shutdown or restart. Pre windows 10, you can choose to install updates manually.
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    @mohammed I need to restart fairly often due to dual booting. The installation change was long over due, though.
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    I just don't like ballmer xD
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    @nitaj96a could you link me to a walk-through?
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    @dontbeevil well MS is still getting money from his lawsuits against Linux(companies) as in the 99's
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    @dontbeevil really ? Any source that you can share ?
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