
Seriously, you can watch star wars in command prompt

Run this command in your cmd - telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

But, this will not work in git bash ;)

  • 8
    You didn't know this? O.O
    I thought this was standard knowledge amongst developers
  • 3
    @NEMESISprj O_O
  • 5
    @NEMESISprj yeah I've seen this some years ago

    It was on a modded Minecraft server which had the computercraft mod running
    Solid 10/10 experience
  • 4
    @LotsOfCaffeine only thing missing is the music
  • 1
    Does work in my git bash here.
  • 1
    @sbiewald Oh nice, but I can't edit my rant now 😅
  • 1
    Have you tried the IPv6 version?
    It has color
  • 2
    @devnulli No.

    "Well, the IPv6 version is exactly the same as the IPv4 one.

    The difference is in the visitors..."
  • 1
    @devnulli They say that in the IPv4 version.
    But as @sbiewald commented, there is no difference.
  • 1
    too bad the excusegenerator is offline
  • 1
    Oh i remembered it, i watched it 🙃
  • 1
    Wait until you discover MUDs...
  • 2
    How about watching real videos on Linux console...
    $ sudo apt-get install mplayer

    $ wget http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/...

    $ mplayer -vo caca BigBuckBunny.mp4

    Go get some popcorn 🍿
  • 1
    Well, if git bash is not working for this way, try 'mintty' instead.

    Git bash is based on Cygwin, which emulates a unreal linux environment on Windows. Through a bash script called 'apt-cyg', you may be able to install mintty on git bash, a terminal based on pipe to provide a more likely linux env.

    I've seen this before, but not on a terminal - It's on a web page.
    It's similar to webOS, and there's a file named 'startwar.avi'. Open it and enjoy.
  • 1
    @juliandroid Git bash already comes with mintty installed, isn't really based on Cygwin anymore, but MSYS2 (a remote for of Cygwin) and it does not come with Cygwins package infrastructure...

    Also the telnet starwars works on Windows' default conhost, git bash's mintty and the new Windows Terminal :)

    The only thing it doesn't like if one resizes the terminal.
  • 2
    @sbiewald Oh, sorry for my partly wrong answer, now I remember that :)
  • 1
    Yep!!! Telnet Star Wars is a classic. Hopefully they finish it some time!
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