
Some modern conveniences may actually be inconveniences when one considers the propensity they have to slant us as adaptive beings.

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    I won't lie, they've got us in the first half

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    There was a study that found that modern appliances don't necessarly make people less busy.

    Like laundry machines, people now didn't have to hand wash their clothing....

    So they washed their clothing more often and didn't save much of any time.
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    @N00bPancakes how can that be remotely true? The washing machine and the dishwasher saves insane amount of time. Not to mention the stove.
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    The frequency that people washed their clothes went way up. Before you may have worn the same clothes X times before you washed it, but then it changed so you washed it every time, more clothing to wash, more frequent washing tasks.

    In other cases time was dedicated to different / other cleaning tasks.

    Not to say there was NO benefit, just time doesn't always work out the way we think.
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    @N00bPancakes yeah sorry, somehow I misread initial comment
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    @N00bPancakes I like how as long ago as the 80's when Bill Murray explained his system in Ghostbusters 2 we were already to dismiss the thought as gross.
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    I guess a lot has to do with how you grew up.

    I still wash clothes only on Sunday, as this was common for my family, as we were all at home.

    And yeah. If you didn't put your dirty laundry by yourself where it belongs, you needed to wait till next sunday.

    We weren't poor, but my mother was pretty strict regarding money and waste of resources...

    I kinda got used to certain days - certain activities... But I know many friends who find this very disturbing xD
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    @N00bPancakes "The frequency that people washed their clothes went way up. "

    Of course it did. They were having sex on top of the appliances.

    Muh vibes are to blame.
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