
Something don't look right. πŸ€”

  • 11
    There needs to be a "Maybe" option.
  • 2
    If that isn’t a rare sleep deprivation induced accident they could still be better with someone of lower experience
  • 13
    Edit the value attribute on the drop-down if it's a string and set it to "Enough to fix your broken question".
  • 22
    @junon I'm doing it.
  • 6
    @wifi Keep us updated, I'm vested.
  • 2
    🍿can’t wait
  • 6
    it's a Boolean, 0 years or 1 years
  • 4
    It could also possibly mean that having ANY experience in react or any programming at all would make you better than the morons they have, so answering YES would imply you have programmed something, any damn thing at all. They would praise you as a genius, erect a shrine and grant you the title of CTO/God while drawing a sigil in your honor with their oak tree sticks
  • 2
    @theabbie any value asides 0 returns true. from the truthy and falsy blah blah in javascript. so it could be 35 years
  • 1
    This reminds me of the time where I had to make a code review and I dug through the code and found like a gazillion bugs...

    during the review meeting I was asked how many bugs or problems I found....

    My answer was simply a straight "yes"
  • 2
    @Synthron a good alternative could have been to freeze in place and wispher: "the Vietnam"
  • 1
    @wifi Hahahahaha
  • 1
  • 3
    Good old days when we could post images
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