My brain is melting.

6 hours straight of just Refactoring without a break.

Technical debt is real, it is a bitch, and so are clients to expect to 'see' changes every week.

Boss tells me we need to balance doing work on things the client can play with and the backend code that does it all... 😧ok....

'TODO: remove sample return and connect to backen' As far as the eye can see.

  • 11
    Bad boss. Bad dev process.

    Tech debt is a truer debt than taxes, no body gets away with not paying it. Remind them that when they tell you, "this shouldn't be taking this long."
  • 0
    Well, there does need no be a balance. Some time need to be spent pleasing clients. They pay for your time.
    Deciding how to balance it can be hard though
  • 0
    I actually like refactoring but only when i wrote it and remembered to document. But tech debt is so awful. I think i should go read about how to pay off some of this debt.
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