...so I started learning F#... again, second attempt, first one failed like 3 years ago because I had no real usecase appropriate for the language, so I didn't get it.

...but now i'm trying to make my own language, meaning also (wanting) parser/interpreter/compiler, and I found a lecture where dude shows off THREE he wrote (within 24 hours) for three different languages...

...and it showed me that doing my parser/interpreter/compiler in F#, using pattern matching, is going to be incredibly awesome, as opposed to doing it as string parsing in C#...

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    also this is actually my first proper experience with "pick a language with features appropriate for the task" (besided SQL of course but that doesn't count).

    how promising that a person designing a language has their first experience with "domain-specific useful features" while coding the interpreter for his language, right? XD
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    Sweet man, I am getting into Haskell will similar intentions.

    What are you using to study f#?
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    @AleCx04 Wlaschin’s fsharpforfunandprofit.com is a great resource. It’s what I used mostly when learning F#.
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    @AleCx04 mostly talks from conferences about it, or youtube tuts that seem fine, i'm still mostly in the phase of passively soaking in the concepts and daydreaming about their possible uses (and/or implementations of my language).

    when i get to the active stage, i will be using trial and error and whatever answers i can find =D

    sorry for not being too helpful, but i can link you a youtube playlist with some videos that seem good.
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    @100110111 oh yeah, fsharpforfunandprofit, read some stuff from there too, i agree, looks pretty nice
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