
One thing I truly fucking dislike about the development life is knowing about server administration. I think that the mental hurdle that is to develop a huge application, make a stable dev environment, learn all the tools, tricks, techniques, modern standards, processes whatever, detailing software engineering are way tf too much to also handle server admin shit.

We don't have anyone at work that deals with that, and as such my devs need to know how to do entire series of maintenance shit that just takes time and effort plus hours of notetaking and study. I mean I get it, they should know their way around a linux environment enough to troubleshoot issues that are related to the os when working with some tools, but fuuuuuuuck me man, setting up a server, even for the holy grail of easy (standard lamp stack) takes way tf too much.

Wish we could have a dedicated server admin in the team.

I know where my faults are, setting up servers is something that I know but just can't be assed with in terms of keeping up, I wish we had a devops dedicated server admin deployment guru cuz I really cannot stand losing hours doing this shit.

It also diminishes good s admins in value, "weLl ThE deVs caN do It" YEAH BITCH but wouldn't it be nice to have an expert concentrating on JUST THAT?

FUCK man

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    Now add to that the cluster fuck node devs call 'environment'.

    Or the people that add interconnected virtual machines or containers ir both just to have mariadb and apache running.

    It is all fun and games until it isn't.
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    I feel you hard on this one.
    Do you not have the possibility of hiring a DevOps Engineer or a Sys Admin?
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    I feel ya. I've been trying to do everything from design to development and deployment. I end up being terrible and slow at all of them.
    Kinda miss my first job where i did nothing but coding, it was comfy even if a bit boring sometimes. At least I felt efficient.
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    DM me in case you need any help with the deployment aspect of it. Would love to contribute in any way that I can.
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    Mam, have you ever seen a fuckton waste of money?!

    Well. We don't have someone with knowledge to setup the servers.... So yes. You've seen it. But not realizing how much budget goes down the drain.... That must hurt.
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