And again some "evangelists", saying certifications and training, start talking a hit about some method or practice unchained...
How the fuck people don't say the problem with borderline charlatanism...

If Scrum doesn't work it means you're not doing TRUE Scrum...
You should do TRUE TDD (the definition is so long and complex that you can fuck it up) and it'll solve your problem.

Every time is like fucking cults " you have to see the true light, then there is no possible problem... Everything will be solved".

So fucking infuriating!!

  • 0
    Yeah, I don't understand nor like people that see everything as black and white...

    Right tool for the job, always...

    Even scrum can (and should) be bent to serve the project, not the other way around
  • 1
    The number one question that should be asked before doing agile: what problem do we have that agile could solve or at least reduce?

    If there is no clear answer to that question, introducing agile will never bring any advantage.

    The number two question, provided that the previous one has a good answer: how exactly will our agile implementation solve or reduce our problem?
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