Shit week....

Defragmentation of several applications codebase(s), sifting out duplicate code and creating a library out of it. Bash.

Not funny.

Yesterday while cooking I was too fast.
Chopping board with adjustable cutting depth, was at 6mm. Right thumb. Full speed. :(

Boy that wasn't pretty. Bled for half an hour and created quite a mess while trying to find some band aid to get pressure on it. Guess I'll have fun the next week's as no thumb is pretty handicapped .

And today we have in Germany a pretty severe snow storm.

I really hope that the server rooms @ company don't get flooded or shit like that.

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    @AtuM yeah... It's high quality.

    I wasn't thinking at all I guess.

    Usually I take a holder above 1mm ... For exactly that reason.

    Guess being moody and sleepy and hungry was a bad combo.

    Looks better today though. Pretty deep cut, will give a scar as it was a sharp blade, but no sign of inflammation. As long as no pressure in the wound it doesn't hurt :)
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    Next time keep your fingers curled inwards slightly and tug the thumb under them.

    The broad side of the blade should be sliding over your knuckles. Never got cut before this way!
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    Yeah snow storms here piss me off too. Get well soon. In welcher Stadt bist du?
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    @Hazarth yeah. When cutting with a knife this is a good idea.

    It was just dumb of me.

    Theres a mistake in my translation...

    I meant a mandoline, not a chopping board.... Dunno what I tried to translate xD

  • 1
    Ouch... Damn, that's worse than a knife xD sorry mate
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    So you're thumbless for now. Lol.

    Deep skin cuts heal fast (and well) if you put them back together well enough. (Does not apply to stabbing)

    Next time, maybe eat a toast before you start cooking, so you're not hangry enough to chop chop chop a thumb off. Lelelelel.
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