
TI can't be competent enough to use their own fast circle routine that they implemented in their calculator but they have the braincells required to make the "update the screen" routine "rst 28h"?

i thought it was gonna require a flipped I/O bit or a farcall to another Flash bank that takes a few thousand cycles or something, considering how much sense any of this shit makes inside...

  • 2
    Shouldn't we verify the excel sheet and documentation asked the engineer...

    The team responded: we're not going through that cacophony from satan himself again... Send it. NOW.
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM Hell is a software-implemented BCD encoded float/complex-type parameter stack. There's no rhyme or reason to half of the shit they have implemented, and it's all very vaguely documented because "why do you need to know, hacker?"

    (also they fucked up their official TASM include files. It errors out on every single non-comment line because they forgot some EQU synonyms at the start. Fun!)
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