What's the shadiest tactic you've witnessed HR use at your job?

  • 5
    Try to force everyone to sign contracts saying they worked in a place they didn't, in order to save money on workplace insurance.
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    @AlmondSauce contract?I'm so confuse.....
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    @johnmelodyme Employment contracts.
  • 2
    I came here thinking I’ll get some juicy tactics which I can be on a lookout for.
    ++ to maximise reach so people
    Can write more stuff here
  • 6
    Coerse an employee that was fired to sign a document mentioning he gave his 2 weeks instead. This was so they did not have to pay him 6 weeks of salary.

    He had clashing ideas to improve the company that were better than management's and they did not like him looking better than them. When he came back from vacation, they replaced him.
  • 4
    HR and the CEO trying to convince me to hire 4 unpaid offshore interns in France so I can train them remotely to help me working on my hardware dependant embedded project in North America.

    How the fuck is this even feasible? I can't even get the proper hardware for the main devs or myself, so how the hell interns will even be able to get it?

    Told them this shit was quite possibly illegal and very risky. Also, I want to be paid accordingly if you are asking me to train people while expecting me to do the same job as before.

    Also, knowing the code base I inherited and the crappy processes, I don't wish this shit to happen to poor interns.

    Also, I asked to hire additional devs because the project bottlenecks the whole company... and you want to cheap out on that?
  • 2
    Similar tob@PepeTheFrog, my company is trying to fill all job positions with unpaid internships.
  • 0
    @PepeTheFrog what the.......
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