Why is it that homelessness is suddenly more appealing to me than programming two Remote Desktop connections deep with a template engine no one has ever heard of before and vanilla JS to manipulate the DOM.

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    what template engine? got me curious
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    If it's an "engine" why are they making you write your own JS to DOM front end...

    Isn't that what the engine should be doing?

    As for RDP... I can live with one RDP, I'm more concerned about programming on/for Windows than anything in that scenario... but I could live with it.

    But two RDPs? No. Tell the network and IT guys to stop sniffing their own asses and then going "mmmmhmmmmm". This kind of shit is why I have long had disdain for Windows programming and IIS/Windows Server.

    Probably they'll come back and tell you they can only get AD to work with a machine on the network and not through VPN, so you have to VPN to the remote machine before you can authenticate against AD which then lets you RDP to the second machine? Or whatever... but equally dumb, no doubt.
  • 0
    camry 3.5
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