I am learning cyber security, the weird thing is, 90% of the times i find theory in lectures...so less practical content is present, even then web sites like tryhackme provide work machines which are next to use less if you dont pay for a subscription...FML!

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    I don't think, the hacker mindset can be learned. And the rest actually is just theory.
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    I will say start with overthewire.
    Then you can move to hackthebox or tryhackme
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    Cybersecurity != pentesting

    If you want pentesting you're going to need to read all the latest articles and understand exactly in detail OS architecture and exploit frameworks such as mimikatz and Genisis and metasploit.

    Most Cybersecurity jobs will interview you asking for the TLS handshake steps and more generic attack vector questions, i havent seen any leetcode-style interviews for cybersecurity or pentesting jobs, but i could be just lacking.
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