Every time I use Edge for testing, I start to like it a little bit more. It seems a smooth browser

  • 2
    And then you test safari and all goes to hell and you want to kill yourself again 😂
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    @liammartens It's odd Safari has become the "IE of today"
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    Yeah, but not having "back" or search from a right click really knocks it back for me. "Ask Cortana", ffs MS, stop trying to make Bing a thing, it's cringe worthy.
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    @QoolQuy2000 just Bing it ;)
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    Nice try, microsoft. #HiddenCommercial
  • 3
    I really like Edge actually, it's fast and has a tiny memory usage which is pretty much my 2 main wishes for a browser 🙂 I'll be honest though I don't really like browsers having lots of features so don't miss anything from Firefox that perhaps you guys do 🙂
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    @liammartens I Bing'd Chrome in Edge (boy does that sentence sound odd) and this came up.

    Ha, I wonder why Microsoft's search engine is telling us that Microsoft Edge is the "recommended" browser. "Recommended", now there's a word that's abused to hell and back. It's just a word used in an attempt to add a flimsy veneer of credibility to advertising, as if independent experts have objectively assessed it.
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    @QoolQuy2000 Well, it's also marked as an "ad by Microsoft". Like Google Chrome ads (or any ad for that matter), you shouldn't take them too seriously ;)
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