You blame back end, and yet you do shit like this.

  • 3
    Clearly the computer is just having a temper tantrum. Try doing the exact same fucking thing again with no changes
  • 5
    If you try again you have a non-zero probably that it could work.

    As the number of retries goes to infinity, your probably goes to 1.
  • 5
    Satan is afraid of this method.
  • 1
    @theabbie all it takes is one byte! Who taught this guy? Which coding preschool did he go to? We all sang If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try and catch.
  • 1
    Firstly the loop, first two line will be useless, secondly, the loader is a library, I doubt it's from a good repo. I'd love to put the rest of the code but this guy cost me a ticket reopen. His task, was to get a file from the backend by URL or id, and preview them. 2 months later, my task was to generate printing templates and pipe them through this fuckin fragment. Yea 4 seconds later, the previews show, but press back, nav is gone, bar is gone, UI is just background. You'd know it's a mem leak when this shit happens but were do you start? Literally, I almost killed my dev duck. Do you know how hard it is to convert Thermal Label language to Zebra Printer language?? And make a pdf out of it??in kotlin?. I was happy to learn this new function Array<>.joinByString(delimiter: char). My day was perfect. Snarky Puppy on repeat. Perfectionist like us are just ticking time bombs.
  • 1
    @BobbyTables logic 🌚/10
  • 0
    @electrineer Um...what's that emoji supposed to be?
  • 2
    If at first you don't succeed... fuck it, stack overflow.
  • 0
    What language is this
  • 5
    @alexbrooklyn No clue myself but I'm always up for 'private fun'
  • 0
  • 0
    .... What the....
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