To our front-end developers on here, this shit is annoying and even SO has no definite answer for:

What are the possible ways of hiding a preloader that was shown when the user started a page navigation but ended it prematurely?

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    "Started a page navigation, but then ended it prematurely"

    So like they clicked the button, but then said "oops" afterwards?
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    Answer: exactly 1 different way per page in the site
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    I dont get your question. If you navigate to a page. The loader should be handled on this page while the data is loading. If you change the page, nothing old is being rendered. Control your loading state on the component you are rendering the data.
    And better ask those questions on SO
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    Alt+f4 the browser and try again
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi when a user clicks on a link the preloader is displayed to show navigation in progress... At this point the user can decide to cancel navigation from the browser.
    The question is... How do would one track the cancellation event and hide the preloader.

    For example use-case visit:
    https://developer.android.com/guide or any link within the domain and notice the horizontal preloader at the top. When you try navigation or refresh from the page you see the preloader shown but the challenge persist as I explained. Cancel the refresh immediately and the preloader would still be showing which isn't meant to be so.
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