
can you solve this lemmings stage without googling/youtubing?
built a nes emulator with an raspberry, been trying with 4 friends for an hour :)

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    More like can I remember how, seeing how I completed it 100% back in the day. You've got one builder there, so that's not even a hard level, honestly might even be a tutorial level.
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    Yeah use the bridge builder 5th from the left.
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    Build stairs and then use the two badgers to dig through.
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    it's definetively not the tutorial level :( bridge is too short, to get over the obstacle, badger can't dig through the 'hard end' of the obstacle...
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    @kb88 Oh, bridge isn't long enough, ok. Want the answer? Spoilers!

    Let's see if I remember this right...when a pick-axe lemming (I forget its name, is it miner?) hits something hard, he doesn't stop digging, but instead turns around and continues digging in the other direction. So, make one of them a climber, and have him start digging right before the metal plate. He will take one swing with the pickaxe, hit the metal plate, and then will turn around and continue mining. Once he's level with the ground have him become a straight-tunnel digger (called basher I think?). Basically you want to dig a tunnel that looks like this:

    Since Lemmings can climb over small ledges, you don't have to be exactly 100% accurate.
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    @QoolQuy2000 didnt knew the miner turns around, thanks :)
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    Wait did you start with climbers?
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    @spongessuck yes sorry, the one available is already climbing up the wall
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    OK then climb up and start mining right before the hard wall, the you should be able to bash through to the tunnel the miner made.
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    @QoolQuy2000 @spongessuck it worked otherwise - the little guy won't turn around, as he has a climber. He just keeps going.
    This is the solution:
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